Chapter Text
Dear Harry Potter and Blaise Zabini
We are pleased to inform you of the selection of your restaurant, Canis, Lupus, Et Cervum, has been selected for the running of the first Wizarding Michelin Star for England. You will be in the running with six different restaurants from France, Spain, America, China, Japan, and South America.
You will not know when we are sending our critic, but as you can imagine we will be giving all selected establishments at least six months to prepare for an unnamed critic to come rate your establishment. You will not know who they are and you won't know when they will be arriving, but we are thrilled to see how you elevate your establishment in the coming months. Good luck!
Andres Booth
Head of the Muggle Liaison Office
Ministry of Magic
Harry’s hands were shaking as he read the letter, petting the ministry owl absent minded to try and calm his anxiety. He offered the owl a treat as his adrenaline was crashing causing him to feel light headed as he leaned against his kitchen counter. He took a shaky breath before sending the owl away with a note of gratitude before casting a patronus, the silvery stag taking shape in front of him.
“Go to Ron and Hermione, Blaise and Pansy, and Draco and tell them to come to Grimmauld. I have news,” Harry told the stag who merely bowed before turning and galloping off. Harry collapsed in a kitchen chair, not even caring he wasn't outside as he lit a fag and waved his hand to accio a bottle of fire whiskey and a glass. He poured himself two fingers as he took a drag, letting the taste of burnt tobacco settle on his tongue. While he was waiting he wondered how long the poor owl was outside, seeing how it was nearly one in the morning now, waiting for him to get home as it must've come while he was at work. Harry had full intentions of coming home and packing his overnight bag in preparation for their trip to Ibiza and then Madrid the next day, but he couldn't bring himself to get out of his chair.
The roar of the floo caught his attention as he listened to thudding footsteps come from the drawing room down into the kitchen. Harry took a sip of his whiskey, his eyes meeting Ron and Hermione’s.
“Harry, what happened, mate?” Ron asked, concern plaguing his eyes. Harry gestured for them to take a seat as the sound of the floo went off again coupled with more footsteps coming into the kitchen.
“What's that?” Draco breathed as he entered the kitchen and froze, eyes immediately fixing on the letter that was next to Harry’s glass. Blaise shifted Draco over gently and passed by him to snatch up the letter as Pansy draped herself in a chair next to Hermione, conjuring herself a glass and pouring a drink.
“ Fuck . We did it,” Blaise breathed, eyes sparkling as he clapped Harry on the back. “We fucking did it! Merlin, Potter, you made it seem like someone died!” He exclaimed.
“Honestly, smoking in the house as well? If someone did die, I suppose it would be acceptable , but this is good news!” Hermione said, eyeing the cigarette with a crinkle of her nose.
“One, I think I'm in shock. Two, it's my home and I can smoke in it. Honestly, we're wizards , it's not like the smell will stick around,” Harry dismissed, taking a drag of the cigarette almost as if to make a point. He tilted his head back and blew the smoke towards the kitchen ceiling, feeling two hands slide up his shoulders as Draco’s face came into view. Harry looked forward, but leaned back into the touch.
“Well, now we're not just clubbing, we're celebrating ,” Pansy declared, taking a sip of her drink. Blaise grabbed three glasses from the cabinet and poured the smoking liquid into all three before sliding one towards Draco and one towards Ron, Hermione making another face. Harry closed his eyes and focused on Draco’s warmth emitting off his body as Draco’s chest vibrated as he laughed.
“I am rather looking forward to dancing my little gay heart out,” Draco said with an amused smirk. Harry let out a little huff of laughter, taking one more pull before vanishing the cigarette.
“I'm just ready for a break,” Harry said, tipping the rest of his drink back and winking as Draco looked down at him. One of Draco’s hands found its way into Harry’s hair as Harry looked forward again, making eye contact with Ron.
“Well, you do look bloody awful mate,” Ron said and Harry narrowed his eyes.
“Ta ever so, arsehole,” Harry said and Blaise let out a bark of a laugh.
“I think we're rubbing off on him! Only took three years!” Blaise said as Ron pointed a finger at Blaise.
“Don't forget that I'm still the one who Harry came to after realizing I was right in that he was pining ,” Ron said, sticking out his tongue.
“Close your mouth darling before I do it for you. I wouldn't forget,” Blaise smirked as the red head’s face turned scarlet. Hermione looked between them all fondly and leaned ever so slightly against Pansy.
“I don't think I've been to a club since I was twenty two,” she mused and Harry lit another cigarette.
“You? Clubbing?” Harry snorted and Hermione fixed him with a look.
“I'll have you know that I went with Ginny and Luna a couple of times. Not really my scene, but I'm willing to try it with our resident Slytherins,” Hermione said.
“Darling, I'll have you dressed to the nines. I booked dinner early enough for us to have plenty of time for us women to get ready… and Draco,” Pansy said, eye glinting a bit. Harry rolled his eyes muttering something about fucking wives and Ron let out a shout.
“You're trying to shag my wife, Parkinson?” Ron said, his fist on the table and reaching for Hermione who was pulled closer towards Pansy.
“You can join, Weasley, or perhaps you can watch,” Pansy purred.
“Don't I get a say in this?” Hermione asked, her shoulders shaking with laughter as Blaise emptied his drink and let out a snort.
“Don't mind me, I could just take your husband for a spin,” Blaise said, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oi! I'm right here!” Ron squawked.
“And now my married best friends are plotting to shag your married best friends,” Draco mused, looking down at Harry.
“Eh, let them try, love,” Harry said, taking one last puff, “Ron and Hermione are so dedicated to each other.” He finished while he vanished the cigarette.
“We'll see,” Draco said, quickly pressing a kiss to Harry’s cheek.
Ibiza was bustling with life at four o’clock in the afternoon when they landed in the portkey office. The six piled out into the street, taking in the scent of ocean air and buildings that were built on the incline above them. They had about an hour before getting tapas at whatever restaurant Pansy had booked - Harry wasn't quite sure the name- so they followed Blaise to the Hotel after he looked both ways, spoke a soft incantation on a blank expanse of wall, and led the group through the pale brick that now shimmered slightly from a disillusionment charm.
“Come children, let's set our bags down and refresh before dinner,” Blaise said as he approached the front desk, Harry rolling his eyes fondly at the man.
“Yes, dad,” Harry mocked.
“If I was your dad, Potter, I wouldn’t even let you anywhere near Draco,” Blaise scoffed, “I would have the foresight after seeing your bickering in school will end you up entangled later on and next think you know you’re traumatizing your business partner by letting the wine sommelier, who happens to be Draco, go down on the Head Chef, which happens to be you, in the middle of a closed kitchen and I simply had doubled back for my jacket,” Blaise finished with a sniff. Harry scoffed affectionately, plucking the keycard that was being held out for him and leaning against the desk while facing Blaise.
“You’re so dramatic. What about how you’ve traumatized me by encouraging my best friends to sleep with you two?” Harry asked, glancing over at the others who were standing off to the side and talking animatedly.
“Ah now that is just inevitable,” Blaise smirked.
“Get some other married couple to sleep with you two. You’re both incorrigible,” Harry said, beginning to walk back over to the group and flashing the key card to Draco.
“Big word, Potter,” Blaise teased, stepping up to the group and wrapping an arm around Pansy’s waist.
“Key cards? Brilliant! It’s almost four thirty now so if we hurry and drop our bags off, maybe we can be early to the restaurant. I’m absolutely starving ,” Ron declared, plucking a key card from Blaise’s hand.
“Weasley, you’re always starving,” Draco rolled his eyes before beginning to pull Harry to the lifts. Harry let out a laugh as Ron began sputtering, trailing behind the two as the others began their way towards the lifts as well.
They all rode the lift up to their rooms, Pansy and Blaise on the same floor as Ron and Hermione while Harry and Draco were on the floor above. Harry unlocked their door and pulled his bag out of his pocket to unshrink it. He set it on the king sized bed (because Blaise wasn’t subtle at all) and turned around in time for Draco to launch himself at Harry as the door clicked shut. Harry caught the other man, smiling wide before ducking his head to give Draco a soft kiss. Draco made a small sound before pulling away and stepping back to take in Harry’s outfit.
Harry, for the sake of traveling and dinner, was wearing a simple white long sleeved button down, dark blue jeans, and black combat boots. His hair curled around his ears and was artfully tousled and Draco wanted to run a hand through the hair desperately.
“At least you’ve learned how to style that rat's nest worth of hair,” Draco said with a smirk. Harry pursed his lips and let his eyes go over Draco once, taking in the way his wavy blond hair went just past his shoulders and how the black of his button down contrasted against it. Draco’s black jeans seemed to be fitted and were paired with a pair of dress shoes that shone in the setting sun that poured through the window that looked out at the city and mediterranean beyond.
“Next thing I know, you’ll be calling me scarhead,” Harry said, taking Draco’s hand to lead him back down to the lobby to meet the others.
“Well… It wouldn’t be an inaccurate statement, now would it?” Draco teased, letting Harry lead him back to the lifts. Once inside, Harry pushed Draco up against the wall, hand threading into those soft strands and pulling his head back slightly. Harry’s knee slotted right between Draco’s legs and Harry kissed him roughly, nipping his lips and bringing his mouth up to Draco’s ear.
“Behave, love, and I’ll make sure to reward you greatly,” Harry whispered, breath tickling the fine hairs around Draco’s ear. He gently tugged on the lobe with his teeth before removing his hands completely, Draco staring at him with large eyes and a dazed look.
“Yeah… okay,” Draco breathed, blinking a couple of times as the elevator came to a stop. “You’re still a scarhead,” Draco finally managed before intertwining his fingers with Harry’s and leading him to their friends who were waiting for them.
“Draco, darling, did you get mauled by a wild Potter on the way down here?” Pansy teased, reaching over to flatten his hair a little bit while Hermione cast a refreshing charm at his shirt.
“Honestly, Harry, couldn’t you wait until at least tonight?” Hermione said, looking rather amused.
“I didn’t kill Voldemort just to be policed on when I could kiss Draco,” Harry muttered and Draco let out a startled laugh.
“You could kiss whoever you want if we can go get food,” Ron said and Blaise patted his head like he was a crup.
“There there, Weasely, we’ll get you food,” Blaise said, starting to steer the group out the lobby doors. The restaurant was in Wizarding Ibiza, a trendy little place with plush dark green velvet benches, light wooden tables, and little multi-coloured lanterns lighting the place called Come Ahora looked welcoming and the aroma of different spices filled the air. The group of six followed the host to the table, Ron already vibrating at the prospect of eating when the waiter approached the table. Blaise cast a translation charm on the group that Harry didn’t technically need due to his several years of working in kitchens in America.
Every Spanish speaking country did their conjugations slightly differently, but Harry knew enough to put the words together.
“Good evening, ladies and gentleman, my name is Salvador and I will be taking care of you this evening. Can I start you with drinks?” He asked, filling each water glass at the table with an Aguamenti .
“How about a bottle of your best Spanish red and white to start,” Pansy suggested, taking a hold of the menu.
“Very good, I will be back with those for you, miss,” Salvador excused himself and disappeared, leaving the group to browse the menu.
“It’s all tapas, so knowing Ron, we might as well order quite a bit,” Pansy suggested.
“I agree with that, I’ll take care of the ordering,” Harry said, beginning to look over the menu himself and picking out several different dishes. Harry began counting each dish he wanted to order for the table.
2x Gambas al Ajillo - Garlic shrimp in a sizzling olive oil with chili flakes and parsley
2x Patatas Bravas - crispy potatoes with a spicy tomato sauce and aioli
1x Patatas Bravas y Chorizo - a twist on a classic by adding spicy chorizo to the potatoes
2x Calamares Fritos - crispy fried squid rings with lemon wedges and dill aioli
3x Croquetas de Jam ó n - creamy croquettes filled with Iberico ham
2x Pimientos de Padrón - lightly fried green peppers with a touch of salt (some are spicy!)
3x Sobrasada con Miel - spicy cured sausage with honey
Harry nodded to himself, satisfied with the amount and each dish seeing how he and Ron were considered Gryffindors own personal vacuum cleaners, before setting aside the menu. Salvador returned with the wine, offering Pansy a sample of both wines for her approval before leaving the two bottles on the table.
“Are we ready to order?” He asked, hands tucked behind his back as Pansy spelled the bottle of white wine to be distributed into each glass. Harry nodded before ordering for the group, Blaise looking at him with a raised eyebrow. Once their waiter left to place their order with the kitchen, Blaise picked up his wine glass and looked over it at Harry.
“Hungry, are we?” Blaise teased before taking a sip of his wine.
“I figured whatever we didn’t eat, Ron would eat regardless,” Harry shrugged.
“Oi! It’s not my fault I didn’t eat lunch! Hermione said we were eating an early dinner!”
“Actually, Weasely, that sounds uniquely a you problem,” Draco mused
“Not everyone can survive off of coffee and toasties like Harry and I don’t think I’ve ever seen Black eat ,” Ron said, face flushed as he sipped on his wine.
“You see me eat almost every week at the menu tastings, thank you kindly,” Draco said, huffing as he twirled the stem of his glass between thumb and middle and pointer finger.
“Alright children, settle down,” Pansy chided before returning to her conversation with Hermione.
“I’m looking forward to clubbing. Ron, what are you wearing?” Blaise asked conversationally.
“What I’m wearing now,” Ron replied with a confused look. Draco grimaced as even Harry wrinkled his nose, giving his best friend a look of exasperation.
“Ron, you cannot go clubbing in a white shirt that says ‘Chudley Cannons Rule’ and those jeans,” Blaise said with distaste. “You look to be almost my size. With a couple of tailoring charms it’ll be as if you had them fitted for you,” he said, taking another sip of wine.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing now?” He asked, seeming offended.
“Mate, we’re in Ibiza . You’re not wearing that. Both of you come to my room since Pansy is stealing Draco and ‘Mione and we’ll get ready together,” Harry offered, which Blaise nodded his approval at.
“Hopefully you won’t get jumped by Blaise, hate to see my boyfriend get shagged by my best friend,” Draco muttered.
“ Boyfriend ?” Ron asked with his eyebrows raised, looking between Harry and Draco. Draco blushed bright red and downed his wine glass before pouring himself another.
“Er… We never really talked about it? Draco, would you like to be my boyfriend?” Harry asked, looking at the man next to him. Draco sank a bit into his seat, suddenly aware that everyone’s eyes were on him.
“If you would like to. I won’t apologize however for whoever I dance with this evening,” Draco said, glancing at Harry.
“I would like to,” Harry said and leaned in a little, “Be careful about that last bit though. I don’t share well and I don’t assume I would be thrilled seeing you dance with another man. I get quite jealous, you know,” Harry whispered.
“Maybe that’s part of the game,” Draco said with a sly smile and Blaise clapped loudly from across from them.
“Wonderful! Another couple that I can attempt to fall into my trap,” Blaise nearly preened.
“Why is everyone so sexually charged in this group,” Ron said, throwing his hands up slightly as he began to pour the red wine.
It wasn’t too long after that that the food had arrived, multiple small plates laid out on the table. The group dug in while laughing and teasing each other, ordering another bottle half way through dinner. Ron did in fact eat everything that wasn’t eaten, which wasn’t much as the group did significant damage on each tapas. Harry had ordered three Flaó’s for dessert to be shared between each pair before paying for the bill before Pansy could even speak.
“You’ll get the drinks at the club,” Harry said as he waved off her protests.
They headed back to their hotel, Hermione and Draco grabbing their clothes and products for what they needed to get ready for the night while Blaise and Ron- more like just Blaise, gathered what they needed as Ron followed Harry back to his room.
“I think my hair still is presentable, honestly,” Harry said as he began unbuttoning his shirt, Ron grabbing the door as Blaise knocked.
“Getting started without me? What a shame, I didn’t want to be a cuck tonight,” Blaise said airly as he swept into the room.
“Sexually frustrated, all of you,” Ron grumbled as Harry flipped him the bird.
“Alright, Ronniekins, strip and let me work my magic,” Blaise demanded, ignoring Harry as Blaise didn’t think Harry needed much help anymore looking presentable. Ron rolled his eyes and did what he was told, letting Blaise dress him up and style his shoulder length hair into neat waves. Blaise had decided Ron would be wearing a pair of grey jeans and a light blue solid half button placket knit top that brought out his blue eyes. Blaise had given him a black pair of dress shoes and began charming each piece to fit Ron. He then smudged just a bit of a shimmery powder under Ron’s eyes, squinting slightly before transfiguring a silver spoon on the tea cart into a thin silver chain that Blaise hooked around Ron’s neck.
“I’d pick you up,” Blaise hummed his approval and Harry looked over, raising his eyebrows a bit.
“Good Godric, Blaise, I’d pick him up too,” Harry said, fixing the sleeves on his dark forest green button down that had strokes of black leaves that looked painted on the shirt. He had paired it with a pair of black jeans that were slightly ripped at the knees, his black combat boots, and the golden chain with a chef knife charm on it.
“Potter, you need to cuff the sleeves on that if you’re going to be wearing a short sleeved button up. Also,” Blaise broke off, casting a tailoring charm on the shirt which Harry felt immediately got just a bit tighter, “Yes, that will do. You’ll be able to show off your lovely muscular figure now,” he said with a wink.
“Maybe we are a sexually charged group,” Harry mused, cuffing his sleeves and spritzing himself with his cologne that had notes of oak, vanilla, and ember.
“Slytherins did know how to throw a party,” Blaise smirked, unbuttoning his own shirt and shrugging on a black long sleeved button up with silver floral accents on it. He followed it with black slacks and black dress shoes as well, fastening his black belt with silver snakes securely to his slacks. “Why do you think Pansy and I allow an open marriage? Preserving the blood line and all that rubbish, but we can also have fun together," Blaise said, flashing his white teeth. Blaise dabbled a bit of a golden glittery liquid on his face and rubbed it in before walking over to Harry and rubbing a bit onto his face as well.
"Well keep your fun onthat side of the room, yeah?" Ron snorted, brushing off Blaise's comments. Blaise rolled his eyes before continuing.
“Maybe when we get to America, you can take us to one of those raves you mentioned a while ago,” Blaise said, patting Harry’s cheek and rubbed his index finger against the head of the tattooed snake that peaked its head out of Harry’s shirt collar.
“Perhaps, but for now I think we look rather ready to go have a night out,” Harry said, his stomach bubbling in excitement.
“Do I have to wear the glitter?” Ron whined, looking at himself in the full length mirror attached to the door.
“Yes!” Harry and Blaise said together then throwing each other smirks.
“Let’s go down and have a drink at the lobby bar, I’m sure the others won’t be too far behind,” Blaise said, leading the two men out of the room. The trio headed down the lift and found a spot at the bar, ordering three fire whiskey’s while they waited for the girls and Draco. They chatted idly amongst themselves, Blaise and Ron getting into a debate about the Chudley Cannons current season when the last of their group arrived.
Harry felt his breath stutter as he took in Draco’s appearance.
Draco had on a silvery translucent button down shirt that seemed to be made of a very fine material. He had on black jeans that hugged his long legs tightly with rips in the thighs and a pair of black dragonhide boots to bring together the outfit. He had on a silver chain around his neck and rings adorned his fingers, his silver eyes popping with the charcoal grey eyeliner that was smudged under his eyes and mascara that elongated his eyelashes with a silver glitter that seemed to sparkle on his cheek bones. His hair was tied back into a ponytail with two pieces framing his angular face, a smirk stretching across his glossed lips.
“Cat got your tongue, Potter?” Draco drawled, approaching Harry and plucking his glass out of his hand. Draco took a sip of his drink, seemingly having used Pansy’s charm to prevent smudging of his lipgloss as they were still perfect when he brought the glass away from his mouth.
“Something of the sort,” Harry breathed, looking into those grey eyes.
“You look rather fit as well. Blaise add the gold glitter?” Draco asked, eyes filled with amusement. Harry simply nodded, taking a shaky breath and glancing at his two counterparts. Pansy was wearing a dark red corset top that lifted her breasts higher with a black leather mini skirt and fishnet stockings. Her black heeled boots clacked on the floor and she had her hair pulled back as well, silver earrings dripping off her ears as she fixed her dark red lipstick. The rest of her makeup was done perfectly with a black winged eyeliner and the same silver glitter yet with a hint of gold on her cheek bones.
Hermione was wearing a dark red skirt that matched Pansy’s corset that draped down to her mid-thigh and a black blouse that had the first three buttons undone which showed off a red tank top underneath. She had on black stockings with black mary jane heels that she almost seemed uncertain about. Her wild hair had been tamed into elegant curls, two braids joining together in the back of her head. Her dark complexion was highlighted with a golden glitter, mascara making her eyelashes reach her cheeks.
Harry could tell by the way his best friend was holding herself, the outfit was one that Pansy put together instead of whatever Hermione was going to wear. He was glad Pansy let the skirt be longer than her own, knowing Hermione might've, been more uncomfortable otherwise.
“Blaise, darling, you did a great job shaping up Weasley,” Pansy purred, draping herself on his chest. Ron blushed a bit and strode over to Hermione, giving her a small kiss on the cheek.
“You look amazing, ‘Mione,” Ron said to his wife, face brightening as she blushed pink.
“I say we all look fucking ready to hit the club,” Draco declared as Harry settled the tab for the three drinks with the barkeep.
"I'm not sure how I feel," Hermione said, fixing her skirt a bit.
"You should feel bloodyhot is how you should feel," Pansy said, giving her a look. Hermione flushed, wrapping one of her arms around Ron's.
“I like the glitter we all have on. It’s like we’re matching,” Harry mused, stepping back up to the group and wrapping an arm around Draco’s waist. He pulled out a cigarette to smoke on the walk to the club. “Are we ready to go dancing?” He asked, taking his glass from Draco and draining it.
“Oh, I’m so ready. I haven’t partied in so long,” Pansy said with an excited squeal before detaching herself from Blaise and locking arms with Hermione's other arm. “Come, let’s go see what Ibiza has to offer us,” she declared and the group began to follow her out of the hotel. Hermione seemed amused that she now had Ron and Pansy practically escorting her out and Blaise stayed closer to Harry and Draco while they began to file into the street. Harry lit his cigarette, taking a puff and squeezing Draco’s hip where his hand rested on it as they began walking towards their destination.