The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

20 THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929 Only 13 More Days 'Till May -If You Have a Vacancy Phone Your Ad to 2-8141 Before 9:30 P. M. THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN CLASSIFIED AUVERTISING INFORMATION RATES PER LINE l'ime 15c Per Line TimeR Per Line Times Pet Line Legal Notices Per Line Special Business Rates On Request Count $12 average words to the Line Ads ordered tor three or laser Lion and stopped before expiration date will de charged only the number of times the ad appears. PHONE YOUR AD Phone 2-8141 The Republican reserves the right to edit or reject any classified menta. Not responsible tor more than one incorrect insertion of an ment.

Errors shoulo be reported mediately. All ads are restrictea to their proper classification and to the regular Republican style of type. I'ne Scranton Republican endeavors to print only truthful Want Ads and will appreciate naving its attention callea to any advertisement not torming to the highest standards of nonesty. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY USED with an OK that counts" CARS Buy on a Sound Basis We Stand Behind Every Car We Sell That Carries the O. K.

Tag. '27 Chevrolet Landau $27 Chevrolet Cabriolet '27 Chevrolet Sedan '27 Chevrolet Coach '26 Chevrolet Sedan '27 Pontiac Sedan Many Others to Choose From Lowest Prices in Territory. Time Payment If Desired Security Auto Sales Co. Chevrolet Dealers 142-144 Adams Avenue Open Evenings-Phone 6166 DODGE BROTHERS I USED CARS The real test of our cars is this "Try 'em before you buy 'em." Bring along your mechanic friends have them examine your" car before you buy Conrad Motor 416 Penn Ave. LOST AND FOUND LOST -Between Carbondale and Mayfield A Whitenight Sweeper.

Finder finding same is known and to avoid trouble return to 33 Eighth Avenue, Carbondale. Phone 1181. LOST--In telephone booth in Scranton Dry Goods Company, small change purse containing two keys, post office money order receipt, sixty cents in change. Finder please call 8356. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE CHEVROLETS- 1928 Chevrolet Coach $400 1927 Chevrolet Coach $285 1927 Chevrolet Roadster $225 1927 Chevrolet Coupe $275 1926 Chevrolet Coupe $175 1926 Overland Coupe 85 1926 Hudson Coach $285 BULLS HEAD MOTOR CO.

1302 NO. MAIN AVENUE. 8236. JEWETT SEDAN -Four good tires, upholstery and paint. A good buy very reasonable.

A. R. Gould Son, 415 Linden St. LATE BUICK SEDAN-Just overhauled Good paint job. Bargain.

Gruber Motor Cedar Avenue and Birch Street. 1928 ESSEX SEDAN, DRIVEN 5,000 MILES. Like new. Call Mr. Dunlop, 3-3395.

LA MORTE MOTORS, Dunmore, Studebaker 1928 5-passenger Commander Sedan. Driven very little; like new. 4-1613. FORDS- Guaranteed Ford Used Cars. Bee those at Sandone Motor Company.

601 Wyoming Avenue. FOR GOOD USED CARS See those at the Security Auto Sales 142 Adams Avenue. 1926 Nash Advanced "6" Coach, four brand new tires, original paint. In wonderful condition. 1927 Paige Straight "8" Coupe with rumble seat.

Both Of These Cars Are Real Bargains. CALVEY MOTOR Used Car 614 Wyoming Avenue. LATE MODEL NASH, Advanced "6" 5-pass. Sedan. In perfect condition.

All extras. It's a beauty. Frank Martz Cadillac 1110 Wyoming Avenue. WILLYS-KNIGHT 5-passenger Sedan. Mechanically O.

K. New paint, good tires and the price is right. Frank Martz Cadillac 1110 Wyoming Avenue. BEST BARGAIN TODAY HUDSON SEDAN -New paint, excellent tires, fine mechanical condition. De Witt, Used Car 730-32 Wyoming Avenue.

A FINE SELECTION USED CARS At Miller Auto Parts Company, 435 Franklin Street. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE BRAND NEW CHEVROLET SIX COUPE. Run but very little, will sell cheap. Phone 3-0972, after 6 p. m.

LOOK OVER OUR CARS. All types and makes. Some like new. Try them yourself. Learn why our used cars are rated the best in this part of the country.

Only a small down payment and you drive your car away. Packard Twin, good for a wrecker $125 Packard Touring Car, a smart car $350 Reo Sedan, good car $500 Studebaker Coach, good condition $550 Packard Sedan, 7-passenger, good shape $600 Jordan Sedan, excellent condition $700 Packard 8 Touring, boss of the road $750 Packard Sedan, 5-passenger, nearly new $850 PACKARD USED CAR 1200 Wyoming Avenue. Phone 2-3253. Open Evenings Unitil 9 P. M.

BUICK MASTER 6 COACH- -SPECIAL SPECIAL APRIL OFFERINGS 1926 Hudson Coach. 1927 Chrysler "70" Roadster. 1926 Chrysler "70" Sedan. 1927 Chrysler Fine Sedan. 1929 Hupmobile "8" Cabriolet.

Car only 2 months old, traded by D. L. Bassett, of Carbondale a Chrysler Imperial. Original price $2,385. Six wood wheels, mounted in fender wells.

Will sacrifice for quick sale. LEVERING MOTOR USED CAR 1119 Wyoming Avenue. Phone 6467. LINE OF GOOD USED CARS- Stanley A Stonier's Garage. 1918 Boulevard Avenue.


Terms If Desired. USED CAR SALE 1928 Chrysler "52" Coupe. 1927 Oldsmobile Sedan. 1926 Chrysler "70" 2-door Sedan. 1926 Nash Special 6 Coupe.

1926 Packard 4-door Sedan. 1927 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1924 Dodge Business Coupe. G. M.

A. C. Plan Available WARNER -JONES CO. Poplar Street at Wyoming Avenue. AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE FORD 1-ton Truck, cost $700.

Will sell for $125. Also touring car, cost $1,400 selling for $125. Piano cost $400, selling for $100. Rear 1243 Wyoming Avenue. USED TRUCKS FOR, SALE -EASY TERMS LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM Inquire Opera House Garage, 314 Linden St.

Sales- Motor Truck -Service. SEE OUR STOCK of good used trucks before you buy. Tripp Park Motor 1015 No. Main Avenue. Phone 2-4158.

MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES 12 BICYCLES EASY PAYMENTS Bicycles, velocipedes and side walk bicycles. New spring stock now on display. French Cycle 116 S. Main Avenue, Hyde Park. TIRES FOR SALE USED TIRES Largest stock in city.

$1.50 $2.50 and up. M. R. Tire Store. 523 Wyoming avenue.

next to Levering Motor AUTO PAINTING 15A AUTO PAINTING- DUCO lacquering. sonable prices. Quick service. E. H.

Schlesser. 1006 Scranton St. Phone 8025. BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE OFFERED 18 REPAIRING--On all makes sewing chines. Parts, supplies.

White Sewing Machine 419 Lacka. Ave. Bell 5721. LAWN mowers repaired and sharpened. Called for and delivered.

Call Michael B. McNulty, 160-R, or 920 S. Valley Ave. DRAYING 22 TRIP GOING TO BOSTON wants return load from Boston. New York or any town en route.

J. P. Brier. Phone 2-5789. FOR THAT LOCAL or long distance moving call Burns' Trucking Company.

Phone 3-0389. MULTIGRAPHING, TYPING, etc. 27A SCRANTON Multigraphing Rafter Bldg. Direct mail advertising, multigraphing, mimeographing, folding, inserting. stamping, addressing.

Phone 2-8520. -PAPERING 28 PAPERHANGING and inside painting. Lay. ing oak floors. Lowest rates.

1125 Providence Road. Phone 2-4521. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 29 ACCOUNTANT--GRANT accountant. L. BELL 604-610 Traders Bank Scranton.


221 SPRUCE STREET. PRINTER'S SUPPLIES. Megarge. Brothers. Printer's Supplies.

Envelopes. Paper Bags, Twines, etc. 500-514 Adams Avenue. ROOFING 30 ROOF REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS, painting, etc. Inquire for estimate.

Lackawanna Roofing 520 Beech Street. Phone 4-0512. ROOFING- -PECK LUMBER MFG. 107 E. MARKET STREET.

MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN. PHONE 6173. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN on roofing. Phone 2-5878. Weisenfluh Slag Roofing Company.


Heat and water furnished. Rent $30. Phone 2-7465. 8-ROOM SINGLE All improvements: two-car garage. Inquire 1604 Avenue.

QUINCY 617, rear, second floor, rooms, bath, modern improvements. Rea- FOR RENT-One-half double house, sonable rent. Inquire H. L. Williams.

rooms and bath, Stipp Court: rent Phone 2-1035. Phone 6642; evenings call 2-4373. MODERN new 6-room apartment, bath, SIX-ROOM SINGLE HOUSE hardwood floors, French doors, laundry. So. Blakely Street.

Gas and large airy rooms. $45. 932 Madison Ave. Phone 2-5760. 2-1465 or 5027.

VINE 414, one-half double house, COZY APARTMENTS at moderate rentals. improvements; $40 month. G. G. Realty Union Bank Build- duced rent.

Inquire at above address ing. Phone 2-1369. Hotel Carlton. 4-ROOM apartment, second floor; all mod- MONROE one-half double house, ern improvements: heat furnished; pos- improvements, newly renovated. session May 1.

Inquire 1043 North Irving Geo. F. Taylor, 919 Monroe Avenue. Phone 5591. LINDEN STREET, 1526, single 8-room QUINCY 506, furnished 5-room apart- All modern improvements.

Phone ments. All modern improvements, break- after 5 p. Pittston 1915. fast nook, sun parlor, hardwood floors. Phone 2-1391.

CEDAR 319, one-half double seven rooms, bath, large pantry, CARTER APARTMENTS, 801 Mulberry all improvements, three minutes 5 rooms, heat and hot water. Also one to Central City. Possession May 1st furnished and one unfurnished room. In- 2-8703. quire of janitor or call 6658.

ADAMS 636, attractive 12-room CLAY 626-628, two modern six-room suitable for rooming house or two apartments, hardwood floors, tile bath, families. Central. Rent reasonable. city steam. See by appointment.

Call 2-1389. after 6 p. m. call 5517. SUBURBAN FOR REN'T second DESIRABLE 3 or 4-room apartments on SIX-ROOM HOUSE, all improvements, floor.

Private baths. 529 Tavlor Garage attached. Possession May Avenue. Phone 2-1121. Telephone Frank Giles, 3-1161.

sirable 4-room apartment, bath, storage, dwelling and store combined For MULBERRY STREET, 917-May 1st, de- MOOSIC at Laurel Line Station, or city heat furnished. Central. Call side rent. Phone Moosic 483-J. door or phone 5684.

LANSDOWNE PARK 6-ROOM HOUSE. West Side All improvements. Reade Brainard, Chinchilla, Pa. APARTMENT -Two blocks from Main Ave. Four large rooms and bath, all improve- CLARKS SUMMIT- desirable ments, large porch.

Call 3-8168. erties this vicinity. Parker. Phone 9-R-2. SUMNER AVE.

-Upper and lower 4-room flats, all improvements. Call at 121 South WANTED TO RENT Garfield Avenue. Phone 4-4564. WANTED TO RENT A HOUSEBEAUTIFUL 6-room and bath apartment; adults, one-half double or single 8 all newly decorated; rent $60. Apply M.

rooms; 4 rooms on first floor. Good R. Hargdon, 223 North Main Avenue. tion. All conveniences.

Reasonable In reply give location and full ATTRACTIVE APARTMENT, five rooms, tile Box 1949, Republican. bath, hardwood floors; heat and water furnished: reasonable rent; ready now. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE-6 West Side Theater Building. Call Comer- room single house, close to ford, 2-3214. school.

Address Postoffice Box 437, ing rental figures. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM APARTMENT. Electric and Phone gas. 3-2807. Rent reasonable.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT four new rooms and bath. 1266 BROKERS IN REAL ESTATE Reynolds Avenue. Rent $22.50. John Bernatovech, 305 Farr Building. Phone BART J.

LYNCH 9265. REALTOR. LINCOLN TRUST BUILDING ATTRACTIVE 5-room apartment, bath. steam heat furnished. Possession May 1st.

F. BUCKLEY, real estate and fire Main Reasonable Avenue. rent. John J. Davies, 106 8.

surance, 407 Pauli Building. buys and insures, property. North End FARMS AND LAND FIVE-ROOM furnished. FLAT, $10 $23; also 5-room flat 50 ACRES, 6 cows, 2 horses, 12-room Street. Phone Rent 2-4521.

per week. 1214 Wood with heat, water, barn. $3,500. J. day, 137 Adams Avenue.

Dunmore FARM FOR SALE to settle estate, near crete Trail and Chandler's Orchard: SIX ROOMS -In fine condition; all 1m- acres, house, dairy barn, outbuildings, provements: rent reasonable. 514 Burke new silo, large orchards, all kinds of Street, Dunmore. Phone 2-2935. 4 cows, 2 horses, farm machinery; session at once. See Capwell, FIVE ROOMS, ALL IMPROVEMENTS.

720 Scranton Life Bldg. 148 Cherry Street. Phone 8675. CHICKEN FARM FOR SALE to settle tate, near Factoryville; 7 acres, NORTH BLAKELY 323, new duplex, barn, chickery, all kinds of fruit: 6-room apartment. All improvements $1,200 to quick buyer.

Capwell, Desirable location. Garage. May 1st. 720 Scranton Life Bldg. Suburban HOUSES FOR SALE CHAMBER STREET, TAYLOR, 4 nice rooms, bath, all improvements, steam heat, front and back porches.

Rent $25. Phone Taylor 201-R. BUSINESS PLACES FOR RENT CLARKS SUMMIT, cheerful and strictly modern, 8-room, large, semi-bungalow, large open porch, abundance, extra large plot, exceptional view. Terms. Phone owner 16-R-2.

FOR -Single 7-room house, improvements; good location, $3,800. Luzerne Street. OFFICES FOR RENT IN D. H. PAS- 8-ROOM HOUSE at Factoryville; all provements; 2 acres of land, fruit: SENGER STATION.

HEAT LIGHT, JAN- block from trolley; $5,500. C. phone Dalton 5-R-16. I1OR AND ELEVATOR SERVICE. RENT FOR -New 7 rooms and bath; $20 PER MONTH AND UP.

APPLY ROOM hardwood floors, fireplace laundry, heat; 2-car garage; $9,500. Call 4-1625. 12, NO. 37 LACKAWANNA AVENUE GREEN RIDGE, BEAUTIFUL LOCATION. Twelve Rooms, Three Baths.

Phone 3-1626. STORE, first floor and basement, 250 Wyoming Avenue, including rear of '248 Wyo- BEFORE BUYING or building see ming. Inquire M. T. Howley, 230 Wyoming and his bungalows.

Will sell you a Avenue. ready to occupy, or build according your plans. Prices range from $3,000 FOR RENT STORES, 214 Avenue. Loans can be arranged. Reade G.

316 Spruce Street; apartments. Spruce ard, contractor and builder Chinchilla, Street. Offices Wyoming Avenue and Pa. Spruce Street. Inquire Mver Davidow 212 Wyoming Avenue.

N. GARFIELD near Oram Street, tractive 6-room house, improvements. STORE FOR RENT, 128 PENN AVENUE. Cash or terms. Taylor-Duryea Cheap to right party.

Co. Phone Taylor 254. Phone 2-8621. RICHMONT 1205, for sale GARAGES FOR RENT 72 single Phone home with 2-car garage. Full 5525 from 8 a.

p. GARAGE, 343 Forest Court. Rent HILL SECTION, Good business opportunity. Inquire comfortable 6-room M. T.

Howley, 231 Wyoming Avenue. bath, gas, electricity, steam. Only Holgate Realtors, Fred H. HOUSES Brooks Building. FOR RENT EIGHT-ROOM SINGLE, 738 Maple See D.

J. Palumbo, "Realtor," 317 WHO WANTS A NEARLY NEW SINGLE Blakely Street, Dunmore. Phone HOUSE, SIX ROOMS, TILE BATHROOM, $9,950 BUYS good 10-room single, well cated on Linden Street. Improvements. EXCELLENT LOCATION, RESIDENTIAL Terms to suit.

Holgate Realtors. Fred H. Harding, Brooks Building. SECTION GREEN RIDGE, IMMEDIATE RIVER STREET, modern 12-room house POSSESSION, RENT REASONABLE TO a price far below the market. This erty is being sold to settle an estate RIGHT PARTY? CALL 3-4229 OR 3-4735 is a real bargain.

Buckley, 407 Building. VINE 1318 Half double 6-room; all FOR 1266 SALE--New four-family apartment, improvements; $45 8 month. Phone for Reynolds Avenue, Scranton 2-5596. gain investor. John Bernatovech.

owner, office 305 Farr Building. QUINCY 803-Half double house, 9265. rooms: all improvements, city steam; rent reasonable. Inquire 801 Quincy. FOURTEEN-ROOM double nouse at 94 mont Street, Carbondale.

Large WHEELER 1017-Single house, in Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire rear; 5 and bath, all improve- Green Ridge Street, Scranton. ments, garage; $30. Phone 2-6025. 3-3967.

HALF DOUBLE HOUSE, 6 ROOMS. LOTS FOR SALE All Improvements. West Park Section. Call 4-3877. $200 LOTS, $50 down.

2800 Jackson block from bus, base ball, NICE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW HOUSE All Safe for children. Jenkin Reese new improvements. 1007 South Washing- Hyde Park Avenue. ton Avenue. SUBURBAN FOR SALE ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE, 6 rooms, all Deckers improvements.

Court. Phone Reasonable 4-3226. rent. 311 So. WAVERLY-A grand old home, large big trees.

A bargain. Frank J. Hoffman, Miller Building. Phone 2-5654. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, $35.

201 No. Hyde Park Avenue. Improvements. Fine for COZY COMFORTABLE HOMES dressmaking, etc. Phone 3-6140.

Jenkin suburb for little down, the rest like In Reese. Axel Oellgaard. 801 Board of Trade. ATTRACTIVE one-half double house, 5 rooms HOMES. for sale, and bath.

Also two connecting rooms, as burn, Factoryville in and Daiton, Waverly you Phone like 3-3105. it. Ideal Green Ridge location. Abingtons. Farms, lots, and land: anywhere in low.

Louis Jones, Dalton, Pa. GREEN RIDGE, Capouse 1631-one- NORTH CLARK'S half double house, 7 rooms, all improve- SUMMIT. Mix rooms ments, $50. Call 2-8132 between 8:30 a. m.

large lot. $1,000 paved down, road, $40 garage improvements. and 5:30 p. or 2-3659 after 6:30 p. m.

Call P. C. Wroe, Clark's per Summit. 265. SALESMAN.


REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 73 SUBURBAN FOR SALE. 82A UPHOI STERING 83 UPHOLSTERY and repairing that will give years of satisfaction. Price reasonable. Scranton Up. Co.

Phone 6300. 633 Linden. WE AIM TO PLEASE--All work guaranteed. Ceccoli's Upholstering Company 306 Broadway. Phone 4-3212.

WE DO IT AS IT SHOULD BE DONE- Reasonable prices. United Upholstering 1204 Mulberry Street. Phone 3-1414. LACKAWANNA UPHOLSTERING CO.Reliable, expert workmanship. David Weiss.

721 Mulberry St. Phone 2-2152. EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED- 35 HOUSEWORKER- girl for general housework. Must have reference. Good wages.

Mrs. H. Mauer, 425 Wheeler Avenue. STRONG YOUNG GIRL WANTED for housework. German or Polish preferred.

Call 2-2775. SALESLADIES earn $1.00 per hour, full time, time. Selling direct recently patented article. Nothing like it on market. Sells at sight.

We deliver, collect. Rita Harrington 318-19 Farr Building. WAITRESS WANTED. Call in person. Oasis, Poplar and Wyoming Avenue.

WANTED class hat trimmer who can take care of a hat trimming department. Apply at National Shoe Repair Company, 1908 Sanderson Avenue. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Must have references. 125 East Pine Street, Dunmore, Pa.

HELP WANTED--MEN 36 WANTED YOUNG MAN anxious to earn money. Must own five-passenger car. See Mr. Conrad, 625 Lackawanna Avenue, 8:30 to 10 a. today.


PHONE MR. LANG 2-3989 FOR APPOINTMENT, OR WRITE STATING EXPERIENCE TO BOX 1948, REPUBLICAN. MEN (4), FOR and liberal commission to start on our salary agreement Steady repeat proposition. Experience not necessary as we show you how. Call after 2 P.

M. Room 202. 537 Linden Street. HELP--MEN AND WOMEN, 37 COUPLE WANTED -Man as gardener's assistant and wife as laundress; must be able to furnish reference as to character and ability; good home and good salary to right people. Box 1134, Republican.

AGENTS-SALESMEN 38 month and expense proposition selling hosiery. Experience unnecessary. Send self addressed stamped envelope for information. Venus Hosiery Company, High Point, N. C.

SITUATIONS WANTED -WOMEN 39 THOROUGHLY experienced graduate nurse wants nursing, by day or hour; excellent references. Phone 2-8985. FINANCIAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR -Drug store, wall and floor also soda fountain back bar. Davis Pharmacy, 402 Prescott Avenue. LOANS UP TO $300 A FRIEND IN NEED.

FAMILY LOANS $10 TO $300. BENEFICIAL LOAN SOCIETY. 107 N. Washington Avenue. Open 8.30 to 5.

Saturday, 8:30 to 1. Licensed by State and bonded to the Public Phone 3-1171. LOANS UP TO $300 PEOPLE who established their credit here are never "broke." WHEN sudden emergencies, come to them, they come to get it. No Endorsers. Easy Repayment.

Phone 2-3560 "If You're Honest- You're Welcome!" COMMUNITY FINANCE SERVICE, INC Room 204. Coal Exchange Bldg. Entrance Between 128-130 Wyoming Ave. Licensed By And Bonded To The State. Member of Scranton Chamber of Commerce.

Loans made within a radius of 30 miles. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 406 Traders National Bank Building. 207 Wyoming Avenue. Phone 2-8763 HART LOAN SOCIETY 411 Spruce Room 30. David Bldg Phone 3-8212.

Open 8:30 to 5. MONEY TO LOAN TO LOAN on city and country property. Payment arranged to suit borrower. Axel Oellgaard, 801 Board of Trade. FOR SALE MORTGAGE, $4,750.

Liberal discount. Siegel's Realty 414 Connell Building. UNREDEEMED PLEDGES FUR SALE. Miners and Mechanics Loan Company Room 27. Davidow Building.

MORTGAGES -Money to loan on gages. $500 and up. Siegel' Realty 414 Connell Building MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED--Un real estate security. Terms to suit borrowers. Capwell.

Attorney. Scranton Life Building. VACATION time. prepared it's to not enjoy far off. ft.

This is the time to buy that used car. Many real buys are offered today in The Republican Used Car columns. Nothing like a good vacation spent in the open in a good automobile. Buy yours INSTRUCTION CORRESPONDENCE COURSE SCRAN1ON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS -R. E.

Weeks, president: R. Foster. vice-president; Elmer Lawall treasurer: William Cottle. secretary HORSES AND CATTLE 51A LOTS OF HORSES Have purchased the entire stock of horses and harnesses of large New York State lumber company. These horses are right out of work, suitable for all purposes.

Can be seen at my stable. DAN JACOBS 312 VINE STREET A CAR of well broken Nebraska horses. Any size you want. All guaranteed; at auction April 23rd at 1 p. Tunkhannock, Pa.

Moffitt Livestock Company. HORSE that made the trip from New Mexico to Scranton. Also Western saddle. 323 N. Blakely Street, Dunmore.

Phone 4-3448 FOR SALE team of farm horses. Weight 1,100 and 1,350, and a Perchon colt, 11 month's old. Also 8 horse-power gasoline engine mounted. J. C.

Snyder, Clifford, Susquehanna County. JUST ARRIVED WITH A CAR LOAD of horses, saddle horses, and ponies. M. Dinner, 337 Penn Avenue. FOR SALE three work horses, Shetland pony, harness and buggy.

Walter Greeves, rear Erie Station, Dunmore. TWENTY real work horses ready for work; weight from 1,200 to 1,600 pounds. Try them before you buy them. Two cheap mules. Shetland ponies, pony wagons and carts.

My prices are reasonable. Brown's Sale Exchange Stable, 1323 N. Main Avenue, Phone 3-2604. MERCHANDISE COAL FOR SALE 58 BEST FRESH MINED COAL ONLY--Large Pea, $5.75: Nut. Range, No.

1, $3.75. A. Lewis. $19 10th Avenue. Bell 3-6925.

No condemned or washery coal. BEST BURNING COAL IN THE CITY -Pea, $5.50: Chestnut and Egg, Stove, Buckwheat, $3.75. Green Ridge Cal Company. Phone 2-2756 and 4-4638 RELIABLE FRESH MINED COAL--Pea. Nut.

$8 75; Buckwheat. $4 00 Phone George Reif. 3-6440. COAL- Von Storch and, cther quality coal. Orders promptly filled P.

W. Rhodes. Phone 3-2936. Von Storen Quelity. Order COAL- now Prompt deliveries.

Gwynne Bros. Phone 3-6511 or 2-1181 WIGS AND COSTUMES 59 WIGS, transformation, toupees and all kinds of hair goods. Made at Carl Zimmer's, 719 Mulberry Street. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 61 FOR SALE bedroom suite, coal and gas range, extra Simmons Bed and linoleum. Phone 4-4429.

BLUE LIVING ROOM SUITE, for sale, at sacrifice. Almost new. 435 No. Webster Avenue. Phone 2-4831.

DELCO-LIGHT Water Pump, complete with tank. Like new. Suitable for farm or summer home. C. Hartle, 26 Dean Street, Scranton.

PROPERTY OWNERS take advantage of this paint sale. Only $2.12 a gallon. All colors including white. At this price all paint must be cash and no deliveries. Buy your supply now at Glidden Stores.

224 Wyoming Avenue. FOR SALE- and Mary) period dining room suite; very good condition; price $50. Call 3-3021. FOR SALE 4-BURNER GAS RANGE. And large oak roll top desk.

Phone 3-4553. FOR SALE-PLAYER PIANO AND ROLLS -Good condition. Phone Carbondale 1368-R-1 WE REPAIR all makes of electric washing machines. Phone service department, 2-6314, Scranton Maytag Company, 515 Linden Street. JUST ARRIVED, NU MALT- -We carry Tip Top, Michigan, etc.

Tip Top Products 124 Penn Avenue. Phone 3-5391. BATHROOM OUTFITS -Sinks and plumbing supplies. Lowest prices in town Gleason Brothers, 616 W. Lackawanna Avenue.

Phone 3-7512. SECOND-HAND COAL RANGES and gas ranges for sale cheap. Gleason Brothers, 616 W. Lackawanna Avenue. Phone 3-7512.

RADIO 62 ATWATER-KENT RADIO, Model New batteries, new loud speaker. All for $35. Peterson, 1113 Quincy Avenue. Phone 4-3081 FOR SALE-9-room house, all improvements, 2-car garage, 2 acres; shade and fruit trees; reasonable price for cash sale. C.

E. Brodhead, Glenburn, Pa. Phone 25-R-4, Dalton. Roselynn CLARKS SUMMIT, 8-room dwelling, all improvements, hot water heat, oak trim, lot 100x225. One block from Trail and $34.

trolley. Price $6,500. Ward B. Parker, Phone 9-R-2. electric.

Legal MERCHANDISE RADIO OFFICIAL SERVICE STATION for radio repair. New parts for all standard sets Telephone 2-3370 for nome service. The Radio Shop, 214 Adams Avenue. SEEDS PLANTS AND FLOWERS 63 FOR SALE Mastodon Strawberry Plants. One dollar per 100.

N. C. Tiffany, Nicholson, Pa. ROOMS WITHOUT BOAKD 67 WYOMING 608-Furnished sleeping rooms: all improvements; private family; reasonable. Phone 2-2244.

NICELY FURNISHED ROOM with private family; steam heat and use of telephone. 1032 Madison Avenue. Call 5910. ROOMS AND BOARD ADAMS 714, desirable 4-room furnished or unfurnished apartment. All improvements, porches.

Garage if desired. Phone 2-8903. CENTRALLY LOCATED nicely furnished 4- room apartment. Heat, hot water and Janitor service. Possession May 1st.

911 Mulberry Street. ADAMS AVENUE 4-room furnished apartment, easy walking distance from central city. Call 6665 between 9 a. m. and 5 p.

m. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, complete for light housekeeping, $10 per week. Call at 417 Pittston Avenue or phone 4-0011. HAMPTON STREET, 723, cozy furnished apartment consisting of kitchenette, bedroom and private bath. All improvements.

Call 4-2906. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR HOUSEKEEPING 68 APARTMENTS AND FLATS 70 Central City FREE RENT UNTIL MAY 1ST-Pine 601, 5 rooms and bath, city steam furnished. Telephone 9104. FIVE-ROOM APARTMENT, all improvements, electric, steam heat and gas. Inquire 405 Penn Avenue.

JEFFERSON AVE. -2nd floor, 5 rooms. Kitchen, 2 baths, city steam, 3 rooms. Third floor, if desired. Phone 2-3169 8:30 to 5:30: 6758 6:30 to 10 P.

M. PENN 4-room apartment, tile bath and kitchen, hardwood floors, city steam and hot water. Rent $45. Phone 8189. LACKAWANNA 11, two 4-room flats.

$15 and $20, gas range and bath Call 6002 Green Ridge SIX light rooms and bath. Delaware Green Ridge, near cars, schools. Rent reasonable. Phone Dalton 14. MADISON 1712-Nine large, light rooms; bath, improvements, porches; near Hollywood; adults.

Phone 3-8071. NO. WASHINGTON 1411, modern 5- room apartment, first floor, heat, hot water, Janitor service. Private porches. $70.

One month's rent free. Phone 9033. CAPOUSE 2201, second floor apartment. All improvements, five rooms and bath. Newly papered and painted rage.

Call 2-4338. WOODLAWN 1415, five attractive rooms and bath, large front porch, hardwood floors and garage. Phone 2-2768. NEW, modern, 5-room apartment. Shades.

linoleum, heat, garage included. $75. Phone 3-7706. CAPOUSE 1341-5-room flat, ground floor. All improvements.

Steam furnished. Phone 3-6336. South Side THREE ROOMS and kitchenette, private bath, heat and hot water furnished. Phone 3-3732. VERY PLEASANT four-room apartment, private bath, modern improvements.

Adults. Inquire 129 Crown Avenue. STAFFORD No. 10, rooms and bath. Steam heat furnished.

Possession May 1st. Phone 3-4648 and 6846. BIRCH 310 For rent, 4 rooms, second floor; all improvements; heat furnished; private. PITTSTON -For rent, four rooms and bath apartment; steam heat included: $30: possession at once. Kizer, 2-1194; 2-6139 THREE ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished with private bath, heat and hot water.

101 Prospect Avenue. FOR RENT 4-ROOM APARTMENT. Modern improvements. Steam heat furnished. Cedar Avenue.

Phone 3-0816. E. ELM STREET, 326, two apartments, rooms each. First and second floors. All modern improvements.

Rent $30 each. Phone 4-0515. NOTICE OF AUDITS 12 ESTATES TO BE AUDITED IN THE ORPhone phans' Court of Lackawanna County at or the Orphans' Court Room, Court House, Scranton, Pennsylvania. all have been filed and confirmed absolutely Notice is hereby given that the accounts Inquire in the following named estates, and that the same will be heard on the respective dates named below: house. MONDAY.

MAY 6, 1929 9263. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. 1. Estate of O.

8. Johnson, deceased: Scranton Lackawanna Trust Comhouse, pany, Executor. laundry, 2. Estate of David Boles, deceased; ScranPhone walk ton Lackawanna Trust Company, Executor. 3.

Estate of George Mitchell, deceased: Scranton Lackawanna Trust Comhouse, pany and Josephene H. Mitchell, small Executors. Estate of John L. Payne, deceased; Scranton Lackawanna Trust Com76 pany, Trustee. 5.

Estate of Joseph Wolf, deceased; bath. Scranton Lackawanna Trust Com1st. pany and Albert Wolf, Trustees. 6. Estate of Ernest L.

Batzel, deceased; Scranton Lackawanna Trust Com7-room pany, Trustee for Adrienne A. Batzel sale or and Charles R. Batzel. 7. Estate of Ignatz Martusiewicz, deceased; Scranton Lackawanna Trust Company, Administrator.

Estate of Gabriel Verebay, deceased; Scranton Lackawanna Trust Company, Administrator. 9. Estate ceased; of James Anthracite T. Trust Dickerson, Company, deWard Administrator. 10.

Estate of Michael Covitch, or Mihulas 71 Kovacs, deceased: Anthracite Trust Company, Administrator, Three 11. Estate of Wasyl Kit, deceased: Anor 9 thracite Trust Company, Adminisloca- trator. rent. 12. Estate of Marian Mears Parker, dedescription.

ceased; Anthracite Trust Company, Administrator of the Estate of W. 8. Mears, deceased, who was Adminisor 7- trator c. t. a.

of the Estate of Marian grammar Mears Parker, deceased. giv- TUESDAY, MAY 7. 1929 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. 13.

Estate of O. L. Colvin, deceased; B. Fenton Tinkham. Executor.

14. Estate of Margaret Nealon, deceased; John M. Nealon, Administrator. 15. Estate of Elizabeth Moore, deceased; Edward B.

Mills and Jessie Moore, Administrator. 16. Estate of William Coggins, deceased; John Hoban, Administrator. 17. Estate of Charles Powell, deceased; in- John M.

Powell, Administrator. sells 18. Estate of Mary L. Hull, deceased: Ralph S. Hull, Surviving Executor and Trustee.

79 19. Estate of John Bechtloff, deceased; Anna M. Neuter, Administratrix, d. b. n.

c. t. a. house, 20. Estate of A.

Maria Bechtloff, deMa- ceased; Anna M. Neuffer and Louise L. Leitner, Executrices. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1929 Con- at 10:00 o'clock A. M.

85 21. Estate of Samuel W. Reynolds, defruit. tor. ceased; c.

t. Donald Luce, AdministraC. a. Attorney, 22. Estate of John Moyles, deceased; Anna Moyles.

Administratrix. 23. Estate of Mary Cordelia Carpenter, deceased; Ruel U. Capwell, Adminises- trator. house, 24.

Estate of Mary Benson, deceased; Elizonly abeth Benson, Executrix. Attorney, 25. Estate of Mary F. Hill, deceased; George W. Hill, Executor.

26. Estate of Anna Stoyak, deceased; John 80 T. Stoyak, Administrator. 27. Estate of Mary E.

dehealthful, ceased; Mary E. Flanagan, Execusunny, trix. fruit in 28. Estate of William H. Barney, deceased; Mae Barney, Administratrix.

29. Estate of Clara Stokes, deceased; Catherine Nimmey, Administratrix. partial 30. Estate of Rose Cosgrove, deceased; 513 David J. Cosgrove and John D.

Davies, Administrators, c. t. a. 31. Estate of Charles Kloss, deceased; im- Albert J.

Kloss, Executor. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1929 Weyher, at 10 o'clock A. M. 32. Estate of Charlotte Lee, deceased; Thos.

F. Wells. Executor. all 33. Estate of Elizabeth Coyne, deceased; steam Malachi L.

Coyne, Administrator. 31. Estate of Catherine Walters, deceased: Mrs. John Hanstein, Administratrix. 35.

Estate of M. Adelaide Pelton, deceased; Walter S. Bevan, Administrator. 36 Estate of Clement Andusick. deBrainard ceased; Frank Skutak, Administrator.

home 37. Estate of Frank C. Kiefer, deceased; Harry J. Kiefer, Administrator, c. t.

a. to Brain- up. 38. Estate of D. Pugh Griffiths, deceased; Maud E.

Griffiths, Administratrix. 39. Estate of Isaac Jones, deceased: Elizabeth Battenberg Freas, Executrix. at- 40. Estate of Fred Battenberg, deceased; Armine Battenberg, Executor.

Lumber 41. Estate of Peter Aaron Moskovitz, deceased; I. Leo Moskovitz, Administrator. beautiful The above accounts, enumerated and lot. designated in the above list.

will be audited by the Hon. M. F. Sando, President Judge of che Orphans' Court of Lackawanna County, in the Orphans' Court Room. Court $5,000.

House, Scranton, during the home, Session Harding, of at Court which on time the all date set for interested each estate. shall persons attend, if they see fit. and there present their claims against said fund. Street. HARRY T.

MADDEN. S. Clerk of the Orphans' Court. 3-0833. A-4-11-18-25.

loPROPOSAL, PUBLIC PRINTING AND Binding--In compliance with the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, sealed proposals in dupliat cate will be received by the Secretary of Property and Supplies, at his office in the prop- and Publications Building. Market at Tenth Pauli Street. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on or before 12 o'clock meridian, Tuesday, June 1929, when they will be publicly opened and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as Bar- practicable, to furnish the several classes of public printing and binding of the ComPhone monwealth of Pennsylvania, for the period of one, two and four years, from the first day of July, 1929, as required in the speciBel- fications describing the several classes of lot. public printing and binding and below the 1104 maximum prices shown in the said specifiPhone cation and the prepared schedules. Each proposal covering each classification shall be accompanied by 8 certified or bank check varying in amounts from One Hundred ($100) Dollars to One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars, payable to the order of the Street, State Treasurer.

The right is reserved to farms. reject any or all bids or to accept bids cov201 ering one classification and reject others as may be deemed for the best interest of 82A the Commonwealth. Blank proposals and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Secretary of Property and Supplies, lot, Publications Building, Market at Tenth Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and no bid will be considered unless submitted on said blanks. the B. E.

TAYLOR, Sec'y. rent A-11-18-25. IN RE: ESTATE OF ANNIE LATE Gien- of the Borough of Taylor, deceased. the Letters In me above named prices estate having been granted to the undersigned. debtors will make payment and creditors present claims to SCRANTON LACK.


M. WISSOKER. Individually and trading as the Wissoker Auto Supply Company, alleged bankrupt, No. 6249 in Bankruptcy. To the creditors of the above named: Notice is hereby given that on the 21stl day of March, 1929, the said I.

M. Wissoker. Individually and trading as The Wissoker Auto Supply Company filed a petition in the above court praying for an order referring the proceedings to a Referee for the purpose of calling a meeting of his creditors and to consider an offer of composition prior to adjudication, and upon said petition the above court appointed the undersigned as Referee for the purpose of calling a meeting of creditors to consider the proposed offer of composition and staying the adjudication. Thereupon the said I. M.

Wissoker, Individually and trading as The Wissoker Auto Supply Company filed petition with the undersigned Referee wherein he has offered a composition of to all unsecured creditors, payable follows, to wit: in cash upon connotes firmation of of M. the composition: by I. Wissoker payable in six months. in nine months and In twelve months from date of said composition. That the undersigned Referee has fixed Monday, the 29th day of April, 1929, at 2:30 P.

Scranton, at his office. for 705 Mears Building, meeting of the creditors for the purpose of acting on the act above offer of composition and to transcome such before other said business as may property meeting. MORGAN 8. KAUFMAN. Scranton, Pa.

Referee in Bankruptey..

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.