Taking on the many challenges in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster becomes easier when Frank has the skills to become an unstoppable force.
Written by: Sagar
Reviewed by: Ezekiel
The zombie hordes in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster are relentless and can easily overwhelm Frank if he isn’t quick on his feet. Thankfully, the mall in Willamette, Colorado, is filled with a number of great items and weapons to help Frank stay safe and make it through the days.
However, just the things you find around the mall are not enough to ensure your survival. Frank will have to evolve as a survivor, and this happens on a level-by-level basis. As the player earns new levels, Frank will gain new abilities that will help him become more lethal and durable.
Dead Rising Skills Are Earned by Increasing Frank’s Level Through the Story

The original 2006 title made things very easy for the player. Working through the story and completing certain actions would earn the player Dead Rising Prestige Points. You can earn these by killing a certain number of zombies, taking pictures (Photo Ops net you more points), and other in-game activities.
Top 5 Strategies for Surviving the Zombie Horde in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster
Climbing up in levels will affect your Health, Inventory, Throw, Speed, Attack, and Skills. The player can climb to Level 50 in a single playthrough, and doing so will offer them the highest spread of stats into each attribute and also unlock every skill in the game.
There is a degree of randomization of when each player will unlock a skill, but they are usually within a 5-level range. Here are some of the best skills you’ll acquire in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.
Jump Kick

Acquired between Levels 2 – 5, the Jump Kick is a skill that you will be using for the rest of the game. Frank will be able to land a kick during his jump, and the resulting impact also clears away some zombies in your immediate vicinity.
It’s a great skill to have to make some breathing room and pairs well with fast Dead Rising weapons like the Small Chainsaw or the Katana.
Zombie Ride

Another Level 2 – 5 skill, it can come in clutch when there’s a massive horde in front of you and you don’t want to engage in combat. By jumping and holding the joystick forward, Franke can launch himself into the air using a nearby shambler. He can also use this skill to walk along the heads of the zombies if they are grouped, making it a useful traversal skill.
Flying Dodge

This skill will quickly become your favorite go-to evasion maneuver. You will get access to this skill between Levels 6 – 10. By quickly pushing the thumbstick twice, Frank will launch himself in the direction of the push, hopefully clearing him from the path of an incoming attack.
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The player is also invincible at the start of the move, but you will be left open to attack towards the end.
Power Push

It’s inevitable that during your time going around the mall, a zombie finally gets a hold of you to make your face into its lunch. However, once you hit Levels 11 – 15, you can acquire the Power Push skill, which allows Frank to get out of its clutches by repeatedly spamming the attack button.
Double Lariat

This is a great offensive move and a fun one to pull off when surrounded by enemies. Frank will extend both his arms outwards and start spinning in place to knock back enemies.
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If Frank has any weapons in his hands, they will be thrown away at the end of this attack. This move is especially effective when pairing it with the Laser Sword to take out wide swathes of enemies. Just be sure to pick up the sword once the move ends!
Wall Kick

This is a good offensive and traversal skill that is unlocked between Levels 31 – 35. Frank will use the momentum built from kicking off a wall to land a hard blow against the nearest zombie. If you time the usage of this skill just right, you will also be able to use it to fall without taking damage.

Who doesn’t like to reach into the rotting insides of zombies to deal massive damage and look like a badass at the same time? Press your thumbstick towards a zombie while pressing the attack and jump buttons at the same time.
Disembowel is particularly useful against Special Forces enemies in Dead Rising, as they can be taken out with a single attack.
There are several other skills you will learn throughout the game, and we would love to know which ones you found most useful. Let us know in the comments below and check out our other Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster guides to become a true zombie hunter.